Name Our New Rep Hockey Association, News (East Elgin Minor Hockey)

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Aug 16, 2024 | Mallory Hesselmans | 348 views
Name Our New Rep Hockey Association
It is time to get creative!! We are opening up naming submissions to the membership for our new rep association and team name. 

Please go to the link and submit your ideas for what our rep hockey association should be called (this will replace your East Elgin Minor Hockey Association and Dorchester Minor Hockey Association). Additionally, you can add suggestions for the team name (this will replace Attack and Dragons). 

Based on the submissions, the corresponding executives will choose an association name and then select a number of popular team name options to be put out for membership vote. 

Once we have a name the next step will be logos and colours and we will be looking for your input again. 

Submissions will close September 9th.

Thank you.